Flyvningen mellom Trondheim og Amsterdam var knallbra! Denne ble fløyet av KLM selv. Men flyet fra Amsterdam til Alicante ble fløyet av Transavia, og dette var en skuffelse fra begynnelse til slutt! For det første startet fikk vi mail med beskjed om at maks størrelse på handbagasje på dette flyet var 40x30x20cm, noe som er betraktelig mindre enn hva andre tillater. Mens vi stod og ventet på å boarde, kom det ei dama og merket alle som hadde normal størrelse på handbagasjen, med at bagasjen var ok. Hadde man vist dette, så hadde vi tatt med normal handbagasje. Og så startet de ombordstigningen etter flyet egentlig skulle ha tatt av, og flyet var der i god tid før. Ombord på flyet, så var det så trangt at det var umulig å sitte normalt! Nei dette var en stor skuffelse. Blir ikke å bruke KLM på denne ruten igjen, så lenge Transavia flyr
En av besetningen var uheldig og sølte en kopp kaffe i fanget mitt under servering. Det gikk bra for min del, men kunne kanskje fått en liten kompensasjon for det. Ikke noe økonomisk, men en ekstra dessert kanskje 😉👍🏻.
Ulemper: "De trenger å ha bedre kontroll på at passasjerer overholder smittevernsregler og sikkerhetsregler."
Seems strange when there are so few flights because of corona that everyone is stuffed into a bus to drive out to the plane for boarding instead of using the airbridge. Not sure what the reason for that was. No problem with using the airbridge on arrival. The flight itself was otherwise fine.
Delayed flight departure communicated a little in advance (at least wasn't after departure time), although message sent in app around 11:30 that flight was ready for boarding, which it clearly wasn't as incoming passengers were still disembarking. Disembarking still hadn't finished by 11:40 when we should supposedly board (under the delayed time). Boarding eventually around 11:50-11:55. Never heard any reason for the delay, which is perhaps no worse than the usual tripe that the late departure was due to the late arriving plane. Pushback was regardless not too far behind the revised time - around 12:15, compared to 12:10 advice. Not entirely surprising with a late arrival, gate was reassigned, but we're then basically abandoned on the tarmac and parking bay - seems someone forgot that passengers need somehow other than the emergency slides to get off the plane; all having to ultimately depart via the rear door. Proof, well, that flying in the "pointy end" of the plane doesn't get you to your desination any quicker. Good (for me), but a little surprising from past travels, that the crew seemed to just go straight to English speaking to passengers instead of using German. Perhaps on a short flight, that is just quicker and easier. All good with the food, and in contrast to the connecting flight I had into CPH, could actually be considered a meal; despite not knowing exactly what it was. The chocolate mousse thing for the dessert went down very nicely. Crew polite and service oriented; although did put the napkin for my second orange juice down upside down (the logo was face down).
Delays, delays and more delays. 4 out of 4 flights in one week
Check in working effective. Kind cabin personnel . Not too note storage place inside for carry on luggage .